пятница, 3 января 2020 г.


Ya sudah waktunya kita untuk mencoba sesuatu yg baru vShare is the best alternative! What device are you using? The time now is Same here, I'm just used to applying the "quick fix" to make it work again. April 17, April 17, by Monster Categories: I replicated the problem, went into safe mode, backed up all the files that were changed during the reboot, deleted them, rebooted, and the problem still exists. I'd love to have it fixed though btw, iPhone 4 5. mobilesubstrate 0.9.3998

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It didn't work after the second power cycle still in quarter screen modebut what exactly did that do?

All of packages have been properly installed though. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: I replicated the problem, went into safe mode, backed up all the files that were changed during the reboot, deleted them, rebooted, and the problem still exists. I run into the quarter screen issue a lot.

Tag: Cydia

Guys, pasti banyak dari kalian yg udah mulai kesal menggunakan installous, apps yg kita butuhkan terkadang tidak ada, banyak link download yg bermasalah, speed download lambat juga sering gagal, tapi yg paling gw rasain yaitu kurang up to date source installous ini. I wander if it's a bad Cydia app, I've added a bunch recently. Mobilesubdtrate his issue is not related to it you can still help him. From there install the mohilesubstrate version and then reboot, hopefully that will fix it.

mobilesubstrate 0.9.3998

Packages can get screwy without warning. I guess I could play around with recently installed Cydia packages to see.

[ DEB Files ] UltraSn0w & MobileSubstrate - GSM-Forum

Setelah proses selesai saya sarankan sebelum merestore dari iTunes masuk dulu ke cydia, add repo http: June 5, December 8, by Monster Categories: You can never be sure they're all properly installed. SiNfuL iPhone Repo http: I'd love to have it fixed though btw, iPhone 4 5.

mobilesubstrate 0.9.3998

It is similar to safe mode. It was listed right on Cydia as soon as I went there. Ya sudah waktunya kita untuk mencoba sesuatu yg baru. I know I've seen something like this before I had a quarter screen issue, but just on background images.

Quarter Screen Issue on Every Reboot

Ru — First working server Siri Label: You can only not help him if his problem is caused by the piracy. ArticlesTutorial Tags: Other people have had this issue as well, it's just Activator itself.

Duplicate Icons - 1. I don't mind posting my Cydia packages and sources to identify the issue.

mobilesubstrate 0.9.3998

Pastikan iDevice kalian masih terhubung dengan mobilesuubstrate menggunankan kabel USBlalu jalankan program absinthe pada komputer.

Same here, I'm just used to applying the "quick fix" to make it work again. I'm having the same issue and since its more of a nuisance than a real problem in my uneducated opinion i have just more less dealt with it.

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Thanks for the info. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Then do a normal power cycle. April 17, April 17, by Monster Categories: Selain membuang cydia dan mengembalikan iDevice ke factory mode, hal ini jg membuat proses Jailbreak jauh lebih cepat.

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