пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


January 4, at 4: March 29, at 1: December 16, at 3: Instead, its just a black screen. So I could downgrade to 3. redsn0w 9.6 rc8

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I need your help… Any time i use redsnow 0. After that reboot it was normal brown with the box thing.

You can read the difference between tethered jailbreak vs untethered jailbreakbut essentially a tethered jailbreak requires you to connect your iPhone to boot the jailbroken device and use things like Cydia and Safari. Everything looked so easy that is until today.

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December 1, at 9: Thank you to Redsn0w and Ultrasn0w. December 3, at 3: Redns0w 25, at 3: January 6, at 5: October 6, at 7: I already have 4. Try this, it should work.

Download official Ipsw for the version and phone you have open iTunes, press shift and restore and select the ipsw you downloaded. Any help would be appreciated.

If you are wondering how to use redsn0w to jailbreak and unlock, you are at the right guide. All of that went fine, no problem- however my GPS stopped functioning completely, no GPS apps would lock onto any satellites at all.

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December 15, at Mac - MacOS Mojave Please help iv seemed to tru everything and just cant get service. Using the wrong file for your iPhone will stop the jailbreak from running correctly.

Do this version correct this issue?

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This could be because you are trying to add a legacy installer repository these are not supported. I updated my 4.

Wait I have an iPod and I would like to do this on my ipod do i need to do the unlocking stuff too or is that only for phones?

I have exactly redns0w same problem stuck in recovery mode and cant restore as getting error.

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November 28, at February 2, at Enter your email address below: January 6, at 1: Turn an iPhone into a WiFi Hotspot says: December 6, at 6: December 2, at 1: January 9, at 5: My redsn0w also accepts 4. The iPhone 3G with iOS 4.

redsn0w 9.6 rc8

December 26, at 4:

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