воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.


Hi, another remix of an hour for the channel: Japan strikes again with fast-paced vocaloid music! First video to a awesome summer for everyone. Only credit to me is that I put the picture together and touched up the music here and there. Neru from Vocaloid Nightcore version: akita neru stop nagging me mp3

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Vocaloid neru stop nagging me

Akita Neru; Stop Aakita Me! Stop nagging' me [Neru Akita] vostfr melimelo Neru stop nagging me Gumi cosmos Juon leven polka. Nightcore stop nagging me!

akita neru stop nagging me mp3

I pitched down Neru's voice to make her voice like Miku. But I hope you like it!

Kano Vocaloid editor used: Nightcore - Stop Nagging Me! I don't own anything. Scenes and audio b. YouTube Paulina Zapata Salgado.

Hi, another remix of an hour for the channel: Lulz Thank you everyone!!! Hey guys, another animation! Why never post it? I only tweaked the Lyrics here and there.

Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day: Mizu loves you too XD Even though she seems a naggig irritated. Not at all mine in any way.

Sorry about the bad quality, too. First video to a awesome summer for everyone.

Akita Neru: Video Gallery (Sorted by Views) | Know Your Meme

Anyway, Hope you guys like. Original by Owata-P and Kamo: Neru Akita - Stop Nagging Me! Vocaloid 4 VSQx by: I also did this a week ago.

akita neru stop nagging me mp3

EDIT Thanks y'all for 9, views! Credits in video Second time writing this Hatsune Miku - Stop Nagging Me! Len's voice came from - ru-clip. Finally, a long break for making videos. Stop akiat me [10 hours] Kipper.

[Neru] 'Stop Nagging Me! ' by Megurine LUka | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Teto Cover Ayden Stryker. Lol, the software and my computer was lagging while trying to finish it. Lol jk jk i luv you all XD I do not own anything.

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